La Trobe University students

Front page of a newsletter. The headline is "Repression." It has a photo of a crowd, with one being gripped by two police.

Who you hear in this episode, in order:

Jan Muller (b. 1949) *

Deborah Towns (b. 1949) *

Fiona Lindsay (b. 1950)


Jane Stewart (b. 1950) *

Deborah Towns (b. 1949) *

Jan Muller (b.1949) *

Deborah Towns (b.1949) *

Jane Stewart (b. 1950) *

Fiona Lindsay (b. 1950) *

Deborah Towns (b. 1949) *

Jane Stewart (b. 1950)

Image c/ Barry York. Used with permission. This pamphlet was published after the so-called “Waterdale Road massacre,” or Waterdale Road marches, in September 1970.


Primary sources


  • Watts, Robert, David Muller, Grant Evans, Fiona Lindsay, Beryl Cousland, Peter Dan, Michael Constable. Letter to the editor. 17 June 1968.

  • Guthrie, Ailsa. “NS & Non-Violence” letter to the editor. 19 September 1969.

  • Academic and non-academic staff. “Moratorium.” 30 April 1970.

  • York, Barry and Jill Jolliffe. “July 4: Two Views.” 15 July 1970.

Secondary sources


University of Melbourne students


Monash University students