Monash University students: aid to the NLF

Who you hear in this episode, in order:

Kaye Lovett (b. 1947) *

Helen McCulloch (b. ?) *

Martha Kinsman (b. 1947) *

Kaye Lovett (b. 1947) *

Christine Ross (b. 1948)

Image c/ Ken Mansell, ephemera collection. Used with permission. This pamphlet was published to explain why students were raising money to send to the National Liberation Front (NLF), against whom Australian troops were fighting in Vietnam.

Gallup poll question, September 1967:

       Do you think people here SHOULD - OR should NOT - be allowed  to send money to the Viet Cong - other than through the Red Cross?

9.8%     ALLOW

90.2%  NO, DON'T

0%        UNDECIDED


Primary sources

  • No author. “‘Send students to see Vietnam war’.” The Age, 28 July 1967.

  • Campbell, Martha. “On National Liberation.” Lot’s Wife, 8 August 1967.

  • Committee for Aid to the National Liberation Front. “Which Way Treason?” 28 August 1967.

Secondary sources


Monash University students


Helping draft resisters