The importance of women in the protest movement

A crowd of people in the street, both women and men. Some raise their fingers in the victory sign. There's also a banner on the righthand side.

Who you hear in this episode, in order:

Ceci Cairns (b. 1944) *

Caroline Hogg (b. 1942) *

Diana Crunden (b. 1948) *

Jan Muller (b. 1949) *

Lyn Hovey (b. 1950) *

Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo (b. 1943) *

Martha Kinsman (b. 1947) *

Christine Ross (b. 1948) *

Sue McCulloch (b. 1949) *

Frances Newell (b. 1948) *

Carol Goldson (b. 1937) *

Fiona Lindsay (b. 1950) *

Judy Maddigan (b. 1948) *

Helen Hill (b. 1945) *

Tony Dalton (b. 1948)

Image is from Ross Campbell (dir.), As Long As I can Walk, 1971. The documentary, about the third moratorium against the Vietnam War which was held in September 1971, can be viewed here. Used with permission.


Different ways of protesting